Save up to 50% in sales commission when selling your property

Category 3%.Com Properties

As a homeowner, you deserve to get the most out of your property, so it's important to consider all the costs involved in the selling process. Most people are unaware that by choosing the wrong agency, they could end up losing thousands of rands in unnecessary fees.

Traditional estate agents usually charge sellers between 5% and 8% in sales commission. This amount is deducted from the total sales price of your property. The higher the percentage commission, the more expensive it is for you to sell your home. This means that if you sell your house for R1 million, they will charge you between R50 000 and R80 000.

One way to keep your costs down is by hiring 3%.Com Properties to sell your property, as we will only charge you 3% in sales commission - a far cry from what traditional estate agents charge. Therefore, on a selling price of R1 million, it is only R30 000 (plus VAT) in sales commission. On our website, we have a determinable calculation at your fingertips to calculate your exact savings.

In today's market, putting your home on sale is not just a spur-of-the-moment decision; it requires great planning and thorough research, and it is costly, which is why you need an expert that can guide you through the process and make sure you get the best price possible for your house whilst not paying high commission.

Thus, if you want to save money on your next property sale, consider using 3%.Com Properties. At 3%.Com Properties, we have the expertise needed to sell your home in today's competitive market and we will help you achieve the maximum return on your investment.

Get in touch with one of our property experts by visiting

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Author: 3%.Com Properties

Submitted 28 Jul 22 / Views 1563